Una falsa moneta per papa Francesco

Il governo delle Isole Vergini britanniche ha allertato i collezionisti perché sul mercato numismatico è apparsa una moneta che il piccolo stato caraibico non ha mai emesso.
Si tratta di una falsa moneta da un dollaro in argento, datata 2014 e dedicata al viaggio di papa Francesco in Brasile nel 2013, in occasione della XXVIII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù, (alla quale il Vaticano ha dedicato un 2 euro commemorativo).
Sulla “moneta” sono raffigurati papa Francesco e la Nossa Senhora Aparecida, a cui è dedicata la cattedrale di Brasilia.


Questo è il comunicato ufficiale del governo delle Isole Vergini britanniche:

The Government of the British Virgin Islands is advising the public, especially coin collectors, that a ‘coin’ claiming to be issued in the name of the British Virgin Islands, has been offered for sale to coin dealers and the general public.
This ‘coin’ allegedly commemorates the visit of Pope Francis to Brazil and bears an image of Her Majesty the Queen on the front, together with the wording ‘British Virgin Islands.’
All interested parties are advised that this ‘coin’ has never been approved by the Government, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office or Her Majesty the Queen.
Immediate action is being taken to investigate the perpetrators of this distribution. In the meantime, the Government of British Virgin Islands is alerting any potential purchasers that this item is not an authorized coin.
We would like to hear from anyone who has purchased this coin, please leave your comments on this page and share with our readers how you found this coin or were advised where the coin was available, including its cost.